Frequently Asked Questions

How do you grow plants without soil?

While our traditional gardening methods highly depend on nutrients from soil to grow our foods hydroponics allows us to avoid it in totality. Infact due to the engineering of grow boxes (such as the unit we have) we are able to grow start to finish up to 2000 plants EACH month. So to answer the question we add two nutrient sources to the water on a monthly bases designed to slow dilute a combination of calcium, nitrogen and magnesium used to support and formulate the structure of the plants.

Why choose hydroponics?

Well to be clear our goal is to offer consistent and continuous nutritional food; by choosing hydroponics we can avoid the middle man of soil entirely. When we think about how food grows its pretty simple in theory. Seed need soil for nutrients so you put them in the ground and grow a plant except that doesn’t do anything at all. Infact if you don’t intentionally maintain your soil your crop will be nutrient void entirely. With our system we never run into these problems AT ALL. By not dealing with climatic barriers or nutrition deficits in soil we can guarantee nutrition as well as product year round. We can grow any of our produce at any time of year leaving the possibilities truly endless and hydroponics as the obvious choice.

Do you offer Delivery?

Yes! We are happy to offer delivery to all of Onslow county. For FREE options make sure to order $50 in product before tax so you can sit back with the luxury of your greens delivered to you at no extra charge

Standard Delivery fee $15

Pick-up available with pre-order